Locations, Devices, and Printers are managed in the Locations section of the BackOffice (Settings > Locations in the left-side navigation menu). Listed below is a summary of each module.
The Locations module (Settings > Locations > Location) includes the contact/profile information for the specific location, including the name, phone, address, and default tax amount.
Important Note: Only an Account Specialist can add locations to your account.
To edit or delete an existing location, click the Edit or Delete button on the right side of the table row.
All terminal devices–and their respective license key–assigned to this location are displayed in the Devices module (Settings > Location > Devices). Note that your Account Specialist typically enters this information.
The Devices tab will list the device(s) assigned to the license. This information includes the Name, Key, and Location entered in the BackOffice during the device's initial setup (by an Account Specialist or via the Setup Wizard).
Important Note: Only an Account Specialist can add devices to your account.
To edit the name of an existing device, click the Edit button on the right side of the table row.
To customize the settings of a device, click the Settings button on the right side of the table row.
Please reference the Intro to Register Settings article for more information on customizing display, user, payment, and receipt settings on a device level.
Some businesses have multiple printers connected to the terminal, such as a thermal receipt printer for the Register and a LAN printer that prints receipts in the kitchen. The Register's receipt printers are configured upon initial setup, but the LAN printers must be added manually in the Printers module of the BackOffice (Settings > Location > Printers).
The Printers section lists all kitchen printers associated with your account and displays the printer name and a corresponding I.P. address. You can also enable itemized receipts to print each item on a separate receipt.
For more information on adding a kitchen printer, refer to the following articles in the knowledgebase: